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Monday, August 3, 2009

Ultimate cryer.

taking quiz in a facebook its such a fun. make me laugh, smile all the time. so much ridicules about us is totally UNTRUE came out. it just only a QUIZ! and up to you whether want's to beleive but as i say, its just only a QUIZ! so don't take it as a serious metter.

somehow, i would like to share with you 1 of my quiz that i'm taking few minutes ago that make me surprising about the result. i should say it, it is all TRUE about me.

the quiz title is "How easy it is to hurt you" and i got the answer is "You are ultimate cryer"

You cry for every reason. You are a weekling. You are extremely easy to hurt and cry about everything. It's a good thing to cry, but if you cry too much you're eyes will hurt. You should probably not cry so much, but dont hide your feelings either, just dont be so dramatic. It causes people to either feel sorry for you or create harsh thoughs about you. So, try to cry a little less and let out your feelings at the same time.

is not that i pretend to cry or what so ever you wanna say. but it is true. i always cry every mommenth. especially when its come about family, a relationship, or even friends! i'll try to be a good daughter to mama and abah and also to all my beloved friends just to satisfied their feeling but when i couldn't handle it by myself i will cry cry and cry! that's the only thing i could do.

i knew and everyone knew cry cannot solve any problem. yeah! its probably true. but for me, cry is the best thing i should do first! lets go out my feeling's after that think about the problem. actually, when do like this, its make me feel much better and think rasionally - regret what i have done and try to improve it slowlly.

Yeah! i'm not sooo egoistict coz i know women cry is an ordinary. they have feelings, they have kind heart and soft spoken. thats why its easily for women to cry. even when they PMS also can cry. its really really pain! only God know how pain is pain.

so, to thoose guys or people who have an intention or not have intention to hurt my feelings, better watch out! i'm not going to scared you but is better you know now than regret sooner or later. i'm just an ordinary person not typical. remember, different people have different behavior. don't treat people same as you treat other people.

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