Today is a valentine's day. and im here with my beloved family as usual. for me, valentine's day not a very special day in my life.
however, tanggal 14 of february every year was a very happiness, gratefull, and unforgetable memory.
it's was, my first day as a student in SETAPAK TECHNICAL SCHOOL. during my batch, it was on monday. a first day for a week. and im glad that i had been offer to technical school.
even, i know it just only TECHNICAL school not a good school. but at least, i love being at there since i know where is my future after i finish my high school.
having a lotsa friend while class and ostel member's give an opportunity for me to know people all over Malaysia. but, almost my fwen live around Rawang and KL. and some of them, live in Rompin, Janda Baik and also from Tanjung Malim.
and during that day also, i'v learn to appreciate people around me especially my family. du not being selfish among other friends is a part of my "nawaitu" here. kalau selfish, sure xda siapa y suka. that's why la i should left all my bad habit after decide to come here.
erm, dun no wut else to story. just let u know, im glad to come here to further my form 4 and form 5 level in such a great school. even, i know its quiet hard for me to live far away from my family. berkat dari sokongan kawan kawan, i afford to survive until my last day in SMTSKL.

sides notes;
* owh forgot to mention, im taking "perdagangan" course over there. and this course under teknik same as "civil and electrical engineering" course.
* in setapak, "mechanical" course didn''t offer yet and during my batch (05-06) perdagangan course was a first non-engineering courses in setapak. before this, my course only offer in Sekolah Menengah Teknik KL and SMTSKL, only got engineering course for teknik.
* besides that, this school also consist of vokasional. which more easier than teknik. it's more on the kemahiran than learning. and because of that, there's a lotsa male students than female in here.

nampak xkelas aku and ostel? near je kan?
so, ini la advantages nya. bila cikgu xmasuk kelas, chow balik ostel la. tido, apa lagi.
hehe :)
so, ini la advantages nya. bila cikgu xmasuk kelas, chow balik ostel la. tido, apa lagi.
hehe :)
yelah eyra..valentine dayla time kta stat technic dlu..rndunye kt korg was the best memory i ever had in my life..n being around people like all of u,juz makes me happy!!
da la tyme ni aku je sorg dak laki kat klas..
bapak segan seyh!!
owh amar!
xyah segan segan!
kami suka!boleh buli ko
muahahaha :)
tapi ok wut sorg,
saham tinggi kot
haha :)
ak x tulis ag sal niyh..
kan ak da berjanji ngn ko nk tulis sal bnde nie kat blog ak??
teringat memori lame dlu..
rndu korang sumer..
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