as you all know, i'm quite not-to-busy now since all my events have done successfully. so, now onwards just focus on midterm test, quiz, assignment and also final examination which will be held after my raya. * as usual like last year, raya dengan buku*
lets not talk about that. buat otak resah gelisah sahaja. we talk about happy mommenth ok?
now, feels dilemma wheter want to involve again dalam another event or not. actually, this event quite besar jugak la. same like convofest which know as "Career fair". tapi rasa kalau involve event nie boleh dikatakan agak bosan jugak la. sebab melibatkan corporate, big-big company which i need to wear formal attire setiap masa! and no shirt provided!
at least dalam convofest dapat t-shirt free, food provided all the time and so much activities can involved because it is not formal events. kalau dengan career fair, all the time FORMAL ok!
hey, i mish all the unforgetable memory masa dekat convofest! it was REALLY-REALLY enjoyable ok! kerjasama dengan all the working committe memang best gyler laaa. tak kire races, memang boleh masuk. HE-HE
with seminar, chocolate fair, and protocol division committe semuanya besttt. hope can work with you all again after this.
yang tak sangka kali nie, convofest committe yang dapat invitation card pergi appreciation dinner kat club bouse hari tue di beri sijil penghargaan! first time ok! means first tyme convofest kasi sijil kat committe. sebab before-before this, mana dapat sijil. this time je dapat. sanggat tak sangka kan ;)
and somemore, MMU Convocation day sangat meriah berbanding convocation university-university lain! * dah buat survey ok*
yang penting sampai sekarang kena chop muka "VICO". sebab jaga booth VICO masa chocolate fair. bukan main semangat lagi kitorang promote ok! sebab kitorang tau kalau yang datang KOMPEM tak kan beli product VICO! pandang pon sebelah mata je ok! cittt
sebab persaingan yang banyak, sebelah ada booth Cadbury, pastu ada Vochelle la, chocolate heaven la, chocolate pool la.. haish! memang tak datang laa. tapi nasib baik ada free sample VICO! itu pon dorang datang sebab dapat air percuma. suruh beri productnya tak. haish!
memang bertenggek la orang depan booth kitorang bila ada free sample. dengan muka-muka committe lain pon datang lepak jugak nie. mungkin sebab cuaca lua agak panas kan. kitorg dalam MPH yang ada air-cond kott setiap masa! memang sangat bertuah gylerr. HE-HE
ok la,i think i should stop this post until here. nak mandi, siap pergi kelas petang. owh gosh! sejak bulan puasa nie, I hated evening classess! sumpah mengantuk! muka pon macam sedey gyler! coursemate semua perasan. siap cakap "eyra are you ok?". jawab ok je la kan. tapi sebenarnya mengantuk gylerr. muahahaha ;)
p/s : will mish them so badly after thiss. and to kak aisyah, thanks for those word. seday gyler bila baca. thanks thanks and thanks to akak too. nice working with you actually. akak sangat baik dengan kitorang. however, this event will be the last events she involved cause next year, she will be busy as final year student! jangan lupa kami-kami semua ye. nak kawin dgn abang mansur, jangan lupa ajak! HE-HE ;)
this is what kak aisyah send it to us after the events finish ;
From the bottom of my Heart:
I do very happy working together with all of you...It's such amiracle given by god to met all the very commited working committees that always be with me from the start until the end of CONVOFEST'09.
To Jiun
the Men in the group
Congrats Navin for succesfully handled the performers..
Syam the event manager
Ruby and Lydia...
Ili, Zahirah and Illa..
Dhiva, Harvin...
Last but not least..Ujay & Duang Ming
I do really satisfied to met all my very commited commitee..the attendance is full from the start of ConvoFest till the end...THX all for the infinity support and commitment..
The closing..we had try our best..some Flaws for me it is forgiven..Because the most important thing is the effort and commitment shown by all the committee...
All the best in your life in MMUand your future undertaking!
P/S: Eira, ur vast ade kat SLA, I got something to give you nanti bila free and if nk p SLA msg me k..i will pass the thing!!
Wan Aisyah Binti Wan Abdul Rahman
Epsilon Year
B.Eng(Hons) Electronics
Faculty Oo Engineering
Multimedia University,
Cyberjaya Campus.
Epsilon Year
B.Eng(Hons) Electronics
Faculty Oo Engineering
Multimedia University,
Cyberjaya Campus.
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