Homaigod first time tulis post tulis title duluuuuuuuuuuu. Before this main gasak je tulis content bila dah habis baru fikir nak letak title apa. Heh. That's me. I always have problem with title to put on my post. Title sesebuah blog ni memainkan peranan yang utama ya tuan tuan ibu ibu bapak bapak semua. Contoh kalau aku letak title "AKU NAK KAWIN END OF THIS MONTH" sure beribu ribu orang click nak tau content betul ke tak minah ni nak kawin takda ribut takda taufan semua tuptap terus nak kawin kan semua curious dengan aii hihi :)
Okay crap that. Back to the main agenda which is my Internship Farewell =) Weee I'm being so touch when kakak kakak told me that they gonna have farewell party for me. Actually is a farewell party for kak siti since dia nak pindah ke Banting and kebetulan tarikh dia akhir sama tarikh dengan aku habis Internship. So they decided to have it together with me. Tapi kalau tak buat untuk saya pon saya tak kisah sebab saya tahu saya budak internship jeeeee.
So we have celebrate it on Wednesday (30/May/2012) at Restaurant Zam Zam Seksyen 9 Shah Alam lah! Makan makanan arab lah! Jumpa orang orang arab lah! *cakap sleng arab* Ops sorry orang orang arab bukan taste saya sebab dorang banyak buluuuuuuuuu. I have seen lotsa arab in my campus. Sorang pon saya tak rasa hensem even dia berjambs.(Jambangsss). Dorang sweet talker je banyak. Especially on assignment mula mula nak buat grouping nampak la batang hidup bila dah dapat lesap. Eh asal cerita orang arab ni!! Ish!
Sampai sampai kat sana dapat makan kat tingkat atas which is for me more cozy. I mean the environment and being away from other people. Only our colleagues je. Kan more private. Oh lupa nak mention we go there for lunch. So basically, arab food for me so-so je. Since this is my first attempt. For me it was simple. Yang mahalnya sebab cara they cook ayam and the nasi. Kalau makan boleh tercekik sikit sebab takda kuah eventho they serve us with, I think sup ayam kot and some sour sauce and also a lit bit of chili slices. Itu pon as request sebab takda vegetables how to be healthy la like this haiyoo!
And then sampai je all the colleagues will make sure they didn't sit with the boss. Including mehhh of courseee la kan! Terus cop kerusi after get confirmation where will be the boss sitting. But unfortunately, me and kak siti HAVE to sit together with the boss since we were the one who been celebrating. Dang! Terus dalam hati cakap 'Mesti awkwarddddddddd'. Itu pon boleh lagi berebut kerusi dengan kak siti sebab masing masing taknak duduk near the boss lol! Macam budak budak hihi
Supposedly dalam meja bulat should have my boss, my big boss and boss garang including Encik Khairi (I think so) but only my boss and big boss je could make it since my boss garang not feeling well that day. Alololo sian kan? Kalau tak mesti dah satu meja dengan boss garang saya yang cantik tuuu
This is the food that I'm talking about. It's Chicken Mandy.

How cozy it is?
And this is my extremely hilarious colleagues!

Never expect I've got this from colleagues! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much! Really appreciate :)
At the end of the sesi makan makan, there have a speech and of course I have to give a speech! Yes. Seriously it was unprepared punya speech since I didn't know that I also have to give a speech cause I tot Kak siti onlyyyyyy mehhh! Hihi so main bantai je cakap.
Boss and big boss pon ada bagi speech khas untuk me and kak siti. Rasa sebak sikit dengar ucapan dari boss boss especially knowing that they really appreciate my work. Terharuuuuuuuuu sangattt. I never expect I will get so much of appreciation since I'm only an internship student. However it is I feel touched. I feel happy working with them. Environment pon best. Kakak kakak banyak sangat tolong. Dari start kerja yang tak tahu apa apa to something very valuable. I've gain so much knowledge from here. Thank you colleagues for teaching me a lotttttt for the past 3 month! :)
Last but not least, here is my picture with my colleagues including all my boss! :)

Gonna miss them! Oh already miss them sobs :(
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